Obvious Dad creates defiant theatre that spotlights diverse voices, ideas, and expressions.

We generate inclusive experiences and challenging conversations to connect audiences and artists.


Our values extend beyond our shows and into every aspect of our work. We believe in creating wholly inclusive processes and cultures. Obvious Dad fosters a safe place to create, explore, and engage. Our inclusiveness actively expands across race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, neurodivergence, socioeconomic background, and religion. Our processes, performances, volunteer opportunities, and community engagement create space for open and honest exchanges of thought and the potential for new social and self-awareness.

Click on the tabs below to read Obvious Dad’s viewpoint on social and systemic issues and how we plan to actively engage them.

  • We at Obvious Dad unequivocally stand with Black people and communities of color in stating #BlackLivesMatter. We acknowledge the lack of justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Philandro Castile, and the countless lives that have been lost to those who perpetuate and benefit from systemic racism.

    Our Commitment:

    -Provide a platform and amplify the voices of Black artists and stories

    -Continually examine and educate ourselves in anti-racist practices to hold ourselves, our processes, and our stories accountable

    -Actively work to dismantle white supremacy in our industry and our community through our productions, community engagement, and partnerships

  • ​​We are committed to amplifying the stories, voices, and ideas of transgender, genderqueer, and nonbinary artists, activists, stories, and organizations. Obvious Dad denounces the rising anti-trans rhetoric and demonstrations that are rising in our national discourse and our local Chattanooga community, directly contributing to violence being perpetrated against the trans community.

    Our Commitment:

    -Centralize the voices, stories, and ideas of trans artists in our work and processes

    -Call out and educate against transphobic rhetoric and actions in our industry, community, and national discourse

    -Partner with local organizations and activists to connect our audiences to educational and community resources

  • ​​Obvious Dad believes in equality for all. We as an organization are proud allies and members of the LGBTQ+ community. We create a welcoming and safe environment for artists of all identities to create, express, and share.

    Our Commitment:

    -Elevate the stories and experiences of the LGBTQ+ community in our productions, processes, and community engagement

    -Actively participate in sharing and connecting queer resources with audiences and community members

    -Represent queerness through meaningfully diverse stories that illustrate the intersectionality of identities and experiences

    -Proudly work against homophobia in our industry, community, and national conversations

  • Obvious Dad denounces all forms of racist rhetoric and actions that are directly affecting Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities and individuals. We recognize that the entertainment industry has played a part in the perpetuation and dissemination of anti-Asian racism and we commit to educating ourselves and our audiences about these issues.

    Our Commitment:

    -Produce thoughtful work by AAPI artists that provides a platform for authentic expressions, stories, and experiences

    -Educate ourselves, our audiences, and the community about the detrimental effects of racism, bigotry, and bias against AAPI communities

    -Actively work to dismantle white supremacy in our industry and our community through our productions, community engagement, and partnerships

  • We seek to make Obvious Dad’s processes and performances accessible to every single person. We recognize that there is diversity within differing abilities and we want to ensure that everyone can participate fully at our shows, whether on stage, backstage, or in the audience. This extends to differing physical, developmental, neurological, psychiatric, and sensory abilities.

    Our Commitment:

    -Create accessible spaces for all audiences members to participate fully in all performances and events

    -Acknowledge disability diversity while treating all disability categories equally

    -Continually educate ourselves and our audiences on ableism and hold ourselves accountable in all our processes

    -Provide a space for stories of those with disabilities and connect audiences with the stories, organizations, and local resources

We produce bold, aesthetically-driven regional premieres that reflect and resonate with the community. Our productions spotlight and uplift marginalized and silenced voices within our region.

We craft daring and accessible shows that challenge preconceived notions of theatre. Our programming aims to avoid elitism by promoting inclusivity and fostering shared experiences around art, culture, diverse perspectives, and a safe space for all of them to collide.

We are a professional theatre dedicated to compensating all artists in our projects, surpassing community theatre standards and functions but remaining community-focused. While prioritizing community engagement, we collaborate with top regional artists, fostering mentorship between seasoned professionals and emerging talents to cultivate unique, thought-provoking performances and shape future artists.